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Monday, February 3rd, 2025
New Convert(s) ... What's Next?
Most church fellowships, certainly with the more larger structured ones anyway, have in place some form of "new members class" in the event someone wishes to join said fellowship. But what about a new convert to the faith? They get saved, baptised, then ..... nothing! I will be looking at the need for discipleship, mentorship, etc. from a biblical perspective on ways to give something to a new convert that needs to know what to believe and why, starting with basic biblical, foundational truths, so that they will be equipped and bolstered in their walk with the Lord. Please join in with your thoughts in the comment section on YouTube!
Friday, February 7th, 2025
Pastor, Bishop, Elder, Reverend, Apostle Whatsit
With so many titles available, which one should you choose? Or should you even have one? You have a fancy position, so what better way to emphasize it then by having a fancy title, right? I'm going to share my take on it, see what the bible says, and go from there. Dive right in with your say in the comment section on YouTube!
Monday, February 10th, 2025
Purpose Of The Bible
Some would say it's just a history book with some valuable lessons in it. Others may contend that it's extremely restrictive, far too archaic, and thus irrelevant for today ... especially if what is written places a cramp in their lifestyle. Well, call me "Mister Scrooge", but I say 'bah ... humbug'! There is much we can glean from God's Word, and I will be covering just that very thing in this topic. This promises to be a fun one, so I hope you will want to watch this vid, and share your thoughts on it in the comment section on YouTube!